aile (el/エル) Profile photo

aile (エル)

Singer/Songwriter 岐阜県出身。
20代初期、ZIP FM主催のボーカル・オーディションに初めてデモテープを送り、全国から集まった2500名以上の応募者の中からファイナリストとして選ばれる。名古屋市公会堂で行われた最終公開オーディションでは準優勝を獲得。その場に来ていたタレント養成学校の社長にスカウトされ1年間特待生として受講。ボイストレーニング、作詞法、ジャズやヒップホップダンスなどのクラスを受けた。97年、MTRやサンプラーを駆使し、オリジナル楽曲制作をスタート。CM、CLUB業界など各業界で活躍するアレンジャーやDJらとレコーディング・セッションを繰り返し、レコーディングスキルを身に付けながらも、HipHop, R&B系のCLUBイベントを中心に、Live経験を積みオリジナリティを磨いていった。名古屋で行われた巨大クラブイベントに出演した事をきっかけに、数社のレコード会社から契約オファーを受け、2002年3月、東京渋谷CLUB HARLEMが立ち上げたインディーズ・レーベル HARLEM RECORDINGSより第一弾アーティストとしてデビュー。同年秋、BMG Funhouse よりR&B Singer “aile”としてメジャー・デビュー (aile【エル】:フランス語で羽根)を果たした。トータル3枚のシングルと2枚のアルバムを発表。当時の愛読書であったCLUB系Fashionマガジン LUIRE 誌などでモデルとしても活躍。ラグジュアリー・カー専門誌 LUXY においては2度表紙や折り込みを飾った。2004年、更なる飛躍を求め単身渡米。NYはハーレムに住み、ジャズ・バーやゴスペル教会などへ足繁く通い、本場の黒人音楽を精力的に吸収していく。2007年 ロサンゼルスのハリウッドにあるM.I.Instituteのジャズ・ボーカル・コースを専攻。そこから少しずつミュージシャン仲間が増えていき、ライブハウスで彼らと共にライブを行うようになった。その頃、Jazzy Pop Unit “APB”(Vo, Guitar, Violin, Bass, Drum)のリード・ヴォーカルとして声がかかり、活動スタート。 2008年3月に行われたホリプロUSA主催の新人発掘オ ーディション “DIG UP ARTIST USA” にAPBとしてエントリー。最終審査まで残り、公開最終オーディションではBest Live Performance Awardを受賞。その他にもランウェイモデルや、映画のテーマ・ソング、Music Libraryへの楽曲制作など、さまざまな企画に一から関わりながら、アーティストとしての活動範囲を広げて行く。2012年 音楽クリエーター i.t.k.とDon’t Wanna Say Good-Byeを制作。My Spaceにデモソングとして公開(非売)すると、LAを拠点とするPhotographer Micaの目に留まり、彼女のディレクションのもと、この曲のミュージック・ビデオを製作する事に。2013年 8月には宇多田ヒカル、加藤ミリヤ、BENI、清水翔太、松本孝弘(B’z)等様々なアーティストや海外の劇伴音楽の制作を手掛ける音楽クリエーター、村山晋一郎氏の立ち上げたインディ・レーベル Beat Gallery Records より、第一弾アーティストとして楽曲を発表。同年8月にデジタルシングル My Wayを、翌月9月にはMirror、そして2014年4月には、亡き母へ捧げた曲 SAKURAをそれぞれ発表した。My Way, Mirrorの2曲に於いては、第一線で活躍する映像クリエーター達とミュージックビデオも製作。この2曲の世界観とaileの魅力を最大限に引き出した作品となった。2015年 体調不良と妊娠を機に、悔やまれながらも音楽活動を休止。2016年に出産後は5年間育児に専念した。2020年1月コロナの世界的大流行の最中、コンサートやライブを全てキャンセルせざるを得なくなったアーティスト達が、SNSを通し自宅から各々の音楽を発信し続ける姿に胸を打たれ、そろそろ私も音楽活動を再開したいと考え始めた2021年春、乳がん発覚。Grade 3と宣告された。癌はすぐ横のリンパにもいくつも転移しており、早急な手術と治療が必要となった。6月の左胸全摘手術を機に、抗がん剤治療、放射線治療、ホルモン治療と立て続けに治療を受け、治療の副作用で、脱毛や免疫低下で体調を崩し挫けそうになる中、ずっと変わらず気持ちに寄り添い、励まし、支えてくれた全ての人達の為に、もう一度歌を歌おうと決意。2022年6月。Norcoで行われた野外ライブRising Japan Music Festへの出演を皮切りにaileとしての活歌を再開。歌を歌う事で自分自身も癒され、生きる力を与えられた。これからは「癒し」をテーマに、聴く人の心に寄り添う音楽を発信していく。

aile (el)

Singer/Songwriter Born in Gifu prefecture.
When she was in her early twenties, submitted her first demo song to the “Vocal Audition” sponsored by ZIP FM, and was selected as a finalist from over 2,500 applicants from all over Japan. She won the second place in the final public audition held at the Nagoya City Public Hall. Right after the audition, she was scouted by the president of a talent training school who was there and enrolled as a scholarship student for one year. She took classes such as voice training, songwriting, jazz and hip-hop dance. In 1997, she started producing original music using MTR and samplers. Repeated recording sessions with some arrangers and DJ’s, who are active in various industries such as commercials and clubs, while also acquiring recording skills herself, she accumulated the live experiences and refined her originality mainly at Hip-Hop and R&B club’s events. She then performed at a huge club event in Nagoya where she was offered contracts from several recording companies. In March 2002, she made a debut as the first artist for the indie label, Harlem Recordings. Released a single, ‘Disturb’. In the fall of the same year, she had signed a record deal with BMG Japan. She released a total of 3 singles and 2 albums. She was also active at the time as a fashion model for the CLUB fashion magazine LUIRE, which was her favorite. She has featured twice as the cover girl on the luxury car magazine LUXY. In 2004, She moved and lived in New York alone in search of her further progress. While she lived in Harlem, she frequently visited the jazz bars, gospel churches, and energetically absorbed authentic black music. In 2007, she took a class for Jazz vocal such as scat at the M.I. Institute in Hollywood, Los Angeles. She connected with lots of local musicians and started performing with them at live houses. Meanwhile, she was asked to be a lead vocalist of the Jazzy Pop Unit “APB” (Vocal, Guitar, Violin, Bass, Drum), and started her new ventures with them. In March of 2008, APB entered the audition for “DIG UP ARTIST USA” sponsored by Horipro USA. They remained until the finals and won Best Live Performance Award. In addition, she expanded her scope as an artist while being involved in various projects, such as a runway models for the fashion show, produced movie theme songs, and collaborated with the local musicians for making song for Music Library. In 2012, she created the song called ‘Don’t Wanna Say Good-Bye’ with the music creator, i.t.k. When it was uploaded as a demo song on her MySpace, it caught the attention of LA-based photographer, Mica, and under her direction, a music video was produced for this song. In August 2013, Beat Gallery Records was launched by a music creator, Shinichiro Murayama (who has produced various artists such as Hikaru Utada, Miliyah Kato, BENI, Shota Shimizu, Takahiro Matsumoto (B’z) and overseas theater accompaniment music) , then as their first artist, she released the digital single ‘My Way. Then in the following month of September, ‘Mirror’, and in April 2014, ‘SAKURA’ from Beat Gallery Record. For the two songs ‘My Way’ and ‘Mirror’, she also produced music videos with lots of video creators who are active on the front lines. It was great work that maximized the world’s view of these two songs and the charm of aile. In 2015, due to her poor health and pregnancy, she put a hold on her music career. After giving birth in 2016, she devoted herself to childcare for five years. In January 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, she was inspired by artists who had to cancel all their concerts and live performances but still continued to spread their music from home through social media. In the spring of 2021, she started planning towards resuming her music career, but was struck with the news of being diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. The cancer had also metastasized to the lymph nodes requiring immediate surgery and treatments. After undergoing a total left mastectomy in June, she underwent chemo-therapy, radiation-therapy, and hormone-therapy in rapid succession. She decided to write a song for all the people who have always been close to her, encouraged her, and supported her during time of need. In June of 2022, she finally came back to the music scene and performed at the “Rising Japan Music Fest” held in Norco, California. She realized that singing songs heals herself and gives her the power to live. From now on, with the theme of “healing”, she would like to spread her music that heals and liberates the hearts of listeners and herself.
